The Importance Of Anchor Text

Having the links imported in your content is an integral part of SEO. The more links you have, the better. Each link comes with an anchor text, and the great thing about this is that Google still gives as much importance to anchor text as before. So, if you are promoting your business online, or if you are trying to break through on the market, then you need to understand the basics of SEO. For this article, we have chosen to introduce the anchor text and explain the details to you.

How Google rank links?

In this case, there are three significant ways :

Anchor text :

the thing we will discuss in this article is a blue underlined text that is clickable, and it will take you to another page, which is linked. There has been a lot of controversy about anchor text, some people swear by it, while others are dissatisfied with the performance. In the recent posts, Google has announced it will reduce the dependence on anchor text until it becomes minimal. Also, a lot of companies have presented infographics about the future of anchor text, and they showed a decrease in popularity.

Anchor text’s importance at the moment :

As long as Google’s algorithm keeps functioning like this, then the anchor text still has the chance to succeed. For example, if you have a website which sells gift boxes, anchor text like a gift certificate, gift items, and gift cards will help you achieve a higher rank, then only focus on gift boxes. But, if you don’t include the keywords such as gifts, boxes or gift boxes, then all your efforts will be useless.

Anchor title :

it’s a text that appears every time you cross over it with your mouse. Its significance isn’t that big, as anchor text, but it’s one of the most visible ways that describe link and what is pointing to.

Content around the link :

material that surrounds the link is also used to derive link, and it has two major factors, page title, and content body.

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